Inserting Approximate Symbol In Powerpoint For Mac

In the slide where you want to insert the symbol, click Alt+= to insert equitation: 2. In the equitation without any additional actions, enter any of the symbols that you need using a +Name of the symbol. If you need to enter an umlaut, grave accent, or cedilla on a PowerPoint slide, PowerPoint has Symbol dialog box. PowerPoint’s Symbol dialog box has a copyright symbol and an eight ball, and tons of foreign language characters. Click in your slide where you want to enter a symbol.

Insert Approximate Symbol In Powerpoint

For more on what Character Viewer can do & how to take advantage of it, see Mac Help as well as: OS X Mountain Lion: Enter special characters and symbols. That KB, of course, refers to OS X 10.8, so the feature may vary a little if you're using a different version of OS X. Similar articles are available from the Apple site for other versions.

1. In the slide where you want to insert the symbol, clickAlt+= to insert equitation:

2. In the equitation without any additional actions, enterany of the symbols that you need using a +Name of the symbol. E.g.,

infty - Infinity
leq - Less then or equal
geq - Greater then or equal
neq - Not equal to
partial - Partial differential
sum - Summa
prod - Product Sign
subset - Contained in
in - Element of
approx - Approximately
cup - Union

If you want to see the big symbol, enter bigcup:

3. After entering the symbol, click the space; it changedentering a name to the appropriate symbol.

4. Click Alt+= again to exit from the equitation.


Now you can continue entering your text.

Insert Approximate Symbol In Powerpoint

Note: you can see all of Name of the symbol combinations that you canuse in the AutoCorrect Options. SeeHow to quickly insert Greek symbols into your slidefor more details.

Approximate Symbol In Powerpoint

See also this tip in French:Comment insérer les symboles mathématiques dans la diapositive PowerPoint.